2012年5月27日 星期日

Checkmate to Sandbox and Antivirus!

In the past few weeks, we noticed a rising number of malicious document can perfectly bypassed sandbox and all AV tools one could find on VirusTotal. Is it a zero-day exploit? No. It's simply a password-protected document. At the time of this blog, we have uploaded the sample onto VirusTotal, ThreatExpert, CWSandbox, etc, and confirmed our finding. A password-protected APT document seems like a no-brainier to beat all antivirus and sandbox on the planet.

Brandon (9bplus) also posted similar finding of these APT samples: "This document requires a password..."

Fortunately, XecScan is not bypassed. Without any update, XecScan detects them all.
The password-protected trick stops here. It is very encouraging to fans of XecScan, please continue enjoy our convenient, effective APT scanning service for free. ;-)

[ 特別通報 ] APT 惡意文件新攻擊手法 ! 擊敗所有自動化分析沙盒與掃毒軟體 !

最近這半個月來我們持續收到一些特別惡意文件,這些惡意文件有一個特色都是沙盒與掃毒軟體偵測全都是 0 !而且是完美的免殺。 上傳到VirusTotal, ThreatExpert 與 CWSandbox 全都無法分析 ! 看來駭客已經找到躲過目前所有 Anti-APT 完美方案。

9plus的 Brandon 在他的Blog(http://blog.9bplus.com)也有發現最近這些樣本

就是這麼神奇 ! XecScan在不需要更新下就可以全部捕獲,沒有誤判漏報 !

2012年5月25日 星期五

韓國資安業者報導: 台灣政府單位遭到 APT 攻擊 (關韓國人甚麼事? 奇怪ㄟ你)

雖然這不是新聞了, 但是在國外資安業者網站看到對我們的報導,還是關注了一下,結果我國政府機關的資安事件在韓國資安業者的網站被當 APT 宣傳材料,這...

在國外資安公司通報中看到繁體中文的個案並不多見,此例是國外業者透過 VirusTotal 比較不為人知的樣本交換加值服務方式取得,韓國資安業者刻意貼出台灣政府機關被 APT,來凸顯此問題的嚴重性,但說真的,關他們甚麼事...


工商時間: 這些 APT 不用外國人,台灣就有自主能量可以分析搞定,XecScan (http://scan.xecure-lab.com) 把 APT 通通揪出來 ;-)

2012年5月21日 星期一

Malicious PDF used in APT attacks exploiting new variants of CVE-2012-0754

Xecure Lab has discovered a new CVE-2012-0754 Flash player exploit variant being used in recent APT activities. The earliest version came from a Word document named "Iran's Oil and Nuclear Situation.doc" (see Mila's blog), where the embedded Flash codes would download an MP4 file from a remote server that contains the actual exploit codes for triggering the Flash bug. Today, the new variant we found is a malicious PDF and the MP4 is self-contained in the PDF!

2012年5月10日 星期四

Hacker's Paradise and Miserable Infosecurity (駭客天堂和資安慘業)

Though Taiwan is a tiny country with very limited natural resources, "fortunately" we have lots of cyber warfare resources to be explored. Most Taiwanese are very familiar with all sorts of scam, ranging from phone call informing your kids had been kidnapped, got a car accident, your bank account had been suspended, to your online transaction was mis-processed, or you're involved with money laundry. Yet, not many people are aware how advanced threats are endangering our daily life, business operations, critical infrastructures. Only few see it as a matter of national security.

This year, we had accepted talk invitation from a few local universities and media to share our security viewpoints with young people. Hopefully it would inspire some of them in devoting themselves to explore the information security domain.

Recording of APT attack demo (conducted in Chinese): APT Attack Demo (APT攻擊實戰)
Slides of our talk at school campus (also in Chinese though): Hacker's Paradise and Miserable Infosecurity