2012年5月10日 星期四

Hacker's Paradise and Miserable Infosecurity (駭客天堂和資安慘業)

Though Taiwan is a tiny country with very limited natural resources, "fortunately" we have lots of cyber warfare resources to be explored. Most Taiwanese are very familiar with all sorts of scam, ranging from phone call informing your kids had been kidnapped, got a car accident, your bank account had been suspended, to your online transaction was mis-processed, or you're involved with money laundry. Yet, not many people are aware how advanced threats are endangering our daily life, business operations, critical infrastructures. Only few see it as a matter of national security.

This year, we had accepted talk invitation from a few local universities and media to share our security viewpoints with young people. Hopefully it would inspire some of them in devoting themselves to explore the information security domain.

Recording of APT attack demo (conducted in Chinese): APT Attack Demo (APT攻擊實戰)
Slides of our talk at school campus (also in Chinese though): Hacker's Paradise and Miserable Infosecurity

2 則留言:

  1. 請教一下Fireeye產品是使用你門的技術嗎?

  2. 哈.我們還沒有幫Fireeye代工 :p 客戶表示兩家的速度和涵蓋率有差 沙盒技術即使盡可能營造可以促發各種漏洞的環境, 但這樣的環境是列舉不完的,舉個最近的新鮮事,MAC都被發現有惡意word文件了,但是有木有MAC的沙盒呀...
